Profitable Nomad Couple: Your personal growth guide to creating more freedom in your life.

62. Authenticity in the Digital Space: Your Business Superpower

Austin and Monica Mangelson

Ready to unlock your secret superpower in business? Spoiler alert: It’s being your authentic self! Join us, Austin and Monica, as we delve into why authenticity is a game-changer in the digital space. From making you stand out amid the noise to building trust with your audience, being genuine has its rewards. We also explore the human connection deficit in our AI-dominated world, and how this trend offers a fantastic opportunity for online service providers who can offer that human touch.

Remember the best friend who loved and accepted you for who you are? What if you could have the same chemistry with your clients or audience? In this episode, we share how we transformed our podcast and business by embracing our authentic selves. Our playful and authentic touch not only attracted more people but also made our entrepreneurial journey more enjoyable and sustainable. Join us as we reveal the secret formula to building trust and credibility. Hint: It involves authenticity, honesty, and time. Let us show you how to make your marketing and messaging feel like a friendly hangout session, so by the time you start working with your clients, they already feel comfortable with you. Let's explore the power and joy of being your authentic self together!

Join us for an adventure meets self-love retreat in Cartagena, Colombia! Happening Feb 2nd - 6th, 2025. Sign up here to join us! 

Fall is the perfect time to pause, reflect, and realign. If you're feeling stuck or craving clarity, good news! I've opened up 5 spots for my 1:1 Life Purpose Coaching Program. Together we'll dig deep into what matters most to you, tackle your roadblocks, and map out a path to a more fulfilling, purpose driven life. Book a clarity call with me to make the rest of 2024 your best chapter yet!


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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the profitable Nomad Couple podcast. This is a show where we share all of our secrets about building a sustainable location independent lifestyle.

Speaker 2:

We're Austin and Monica. We're a digital Nomad couple here to help you develop an entrepreneurial mindset, ignite your passions and develop a purpose-driven online business.

Speaker 1:

Get ready for weekly insights and inspiring stories to empower you to live life on your own terms.

Speaker 2:

So are you ready to unlock the Nomad mindset and embrace a life of limitless possibilities? Let's dive in.

Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of the profitable Nomad Couple podcast. We are super glad that you are here with us this week and we're talking about something that has become quite near and dear to my heart, and that is the importance of being your authentic self in marketing, in your content, in all of the things.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think being authentic, sharing who you are online and being yourself with your business and with, I mean, even in person, like when you're offline and just meeting and interacting with people, I think it's like a hidden superpower almost. It's like the secret sauce that goes into your business that can really make or break how well you do, and I guess maybe I'll change that a little bit because I don't think I don't think it's going to make or break it. I do think you can have a successful business without being super vulnerable. Necessarily there are ways to do that, but I think this is kind of like maybe like a secret shortcut to it and it really just makes things flow so much more easily.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the biggest reason that this is a huge advantage for you is that you are unique. There might be a million other copywriters out there, but you are the only you there is in the world, right? So you can say all the same things, you can like, make all the same posts, but the way you say it is going to come across differently and it might resonate with people differently. Embracing your unis is the one thing that you can do to guarantee that you will stand out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this one's really really huge. Sometimes we underestimate how much our past experiences, our thoughts, our perceptions on certain issues and topics really change through by going through who you are, if that makes any sense.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of like you're a filter, like you take in information and then you can share it, but it goes through the filter of you and so it changes it slightly. It changes the way you say it, it changes the perspective that you can add to it.

Speaker 2:

Also a phrase that I keep hearing over and over again that I'm starting to really understand and internalize is you never stand in the same river twice. That's because the water that's flowing past you is different water, so it's technically a different river and it's kind of like this really nuanced thing, but the meaning behind it is you could be sharing something that maybe someone else has said like maybe it's the same topic that you're sharing about, but someone who's listening, they needed to hear from you. They heard it maybe from someone else at a different time, different place, different setting, but the way that you say it, the perspective that you bring to it, could be exactly what that person needed. That's why, when we share things like you can definitely get inspiration from places and from other people, but share with your special, unique twist on it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, at the end of the day, all of us are searching for that human connection, right.

Speaker 1:

Like we all want to connect to the human, to the person behind the brand, behind the counter, behind you know, whatever it is.

Speaker 1:

We want to feel connected and that's because we're all very tribal beings, like it's a human need to be connected with other humans. And today we live in this really AI generated digital age, I guess would be the best way to say it and we lose a lot of that human connection. Even if you're going to restaurants, a lot of times you don't even order with a waiter anymore and you order with some sort of iPad or some sort of kiosk and we're we're losing a lot of that human connection. Now for an online service provider, this can actually be a huge benefit to you. I know a lot of digital num ads are really scared about AI taking their jobs and things like that, but as the world is moving away from human connection, people are going to crave it more. So if you really start with your best foot forward, if you really show up as yourself, as your authentic self, and let them feel connected to you, you're going to stand out and you're going to be able to provide something that AI never will.

Speaker 2:

I think another huge benefit to this is it makes the journey of online business fun. It makes it more enjoyable the more that you can't. I mean. Okay, I want you to think about the best friend you've ever had. Maybe it's a childhood friend, maybe it's somebody you met in college. Whoever it is, think of your absolute, all time, lifetime bestie, and I want you to think about why you are such good friends with this person, and I guarantee you it's going to be something along the lines of you can be yourself around them, right? No matter how goofy you get, no matter how weird you are, no matter what it is that you say, you can be your authentic, vulnerable, messy self, and they're going to love you anyway and they're going to enjoy spending time with you. They're going to enjoy being with you and that's what makes being a friend with them so fun.

Speaker 2:

Take that same attitude to your business. The more you can be your authentic self, the more you can be. You know, if you're goofy, if you're goofy online, if you're a serious person, be more serious. If you make really stupid jokes, if you nerd out about things, if you make mistakes and you share those, you're opening yourself up to become a version of a best friend with your audience, with these people that you're meeting online, with your clients, with everyone that you interact with in the business space, and that just makes being a business owner enjoyable. It makes it more fulfilling. It makes it more sustainable, because if you're having fun with it, you're not going to burn out as quickly, and so you're going to be able to do it for a lot longer.

Speaker 1:

Oh, 100%. I know like you can scroll not that far back in this podcast and it was a lot more structured. For us, it was a lot more like you talk okay, now I'm going to talk and it was a lot more. I don't want to use the word professional because it's not really what it was. It's kind of dry, honestly. And then you can scroll back in our Instagram account and you'll find the same thing.

Speaker 1:

And what happened is that it got really hard to want to create content because we were trying to be so curated and have it be so perfect, especially on our Instagram. But now, if you look at our Instagram feed, the biggest comment, the number one comment we get is wow, your feed is so joyful, I love your content. And we get over and over and over again and people are being more attracted to us. Like I cannot tell you the amount of people who have all of a sudden started talking to us and telling us that they love our content, simply because we started having more fun with it, we started being goofy and we started being more authentic with it, and it really has made all the difference and then, as a result, we've built so much more credibility and so much more trust with our audience and with our potential clients.

Speaker 2:

Here's a secret formula to trust you guys. And trust is important because people buy from people that they like, know and trust the authenticity and being your weird, goofy whatever it is self in front of your audience that's going to get them to know who you are, get them to like you and it builds trust, because the formula for trust is authenticity and honesty plus time. So the more that you are your true self and the more that you are honest with what you are presenting in front of people and then you do that time after time after time, day after day, for months and weeks and years people are going to trust you. That's how trust is built and created.

Speaker 1:

Basically, the goal here is that you want your content, you want your marketing, you want your messaging to feel like they're hanging out with you. You want them to feel like they already know you so that by the time you get on a call with them, by the time you start to work with them, they feel comfortable with you. What you don't want, what you would avoid at all costs, is for them to feel like they know one version of you and then get on a call and you are totally different, and so then they instantly have this guard put up. They feel fearful of you, they feel like they've lost trust in you because you are showing up as a different person.

Speaker 2:

Creates cognitive dissonance in that person when they experience that Definitely something you want to avoid. Now we are talking about kind of the blueprint, like the ideal situation of how you present yourself, and I mean for a personal brand. I guess not everyone wants to create a personal brand.

Speaker 1:

It's someone who is afraid of having a personal brand, come talk to us, because I really feel like it might be a better choice for you to be a personal brand and, if not, there are definitely still ways that you can infuse personality into your brand.

Speaker 2:

Yes, very well said. Everything that we've shared is the ideal that you want to work towards, but we totally recognize that that's not always easy, like Monica was sharing, if you scroll back in our content, both our podcast and our Instagram, you're going to see a slightly different version of us. That's because we were still learning how to be more authentic and to be ourselves in our content and there's some challenges that will present themselves as you try and do this. I mean, it takes a lot of vulnerability, so you're going to expose kind of the deeper, more hidden parts of yourself and I think that's because we're so afraid of judgment. The fear of judgment of other people is such a huge roadblock. It has been, sometimes still is for us and it really creates this fear of showing up as our true self.

Speaker 1:

I definitely think this is something that every business owner is going to face the fear of judgment, the fear of self-doubt. I feel like self-doubt is something that it's like whack-a-mole. The second you're like, wow, I'm 100% confident in myself. It'll kind of pop back up in different ways and that can kind of be the seed of fearing judgment, or fearing showing your true self, or fearing being vulnerable. I think that's something that we're all constantly going to be working on.

Speaker 1:

I do think it's important to note here that you don't have to share everything. In fact, it would be advisable not to share everything. There are certain parts of you that are okay to keep private. There are certain parts of Austin and I like in our branding that we don't talk about. We don't talk about in the public sphere because that's not what the brand we've created is and that's not going to be strategic for our business. So I do want to advise caution here, not to overshare, but definitely to take the time to know what your core values are and what the core values of your business are and to be sharing and speaking to that way more than you currently are.

Speaker 2:

And if this is something that sounds good to you, something that appeals to you and maybe you've been working on this but it's been a challenge for you or maybe you don't really know where to start come talk to us. Send us a message on Instagram. That's part of what we do. A huge part of what we do as coaches is help people become comfortable with what they share online and how to create a personal brand and how to market themselves so that they find their tribe and their group of people, and we love working with that, working on that with our clients. So send us a message and let us know what's on your mind and how you want to start building your personal brand, and we'll chat about how to make that happen for you. Thanks so much for joining us here on the profitable Nomad Couple podcast. We appreciate you listening to us today.

Speaker 1:

If you enjoyed this episode, share it on Instagram and be sure to tag us. At Austin and Monica, together, we can inspire others to embrace a location independent lifestyle.

Speaker 2:

And while you're there, we'd love to connect with you, so make sure you follow us for more tips and inspiration on living your dream location independent lifestyle.

Speaker 1:

Until next week. Remember that you have the power to shape your own path. So stay curious, stay adventures and stay connected.

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