Notes From a Neuro Nerd: The Science Behind Living Your Best Life

66. How 1:1 Coaching Can Propel You to the Next Level

Austin and Monica Mangelson

Ever wondered why your life journey feels like a road trip without a GPS?

Drawing from our own transformative experiences, we share how one-on-one coaching acts as a reliable GPS - simplifying your path, accelerating growth, and guiding you to your goals faster and more efficiently. 

Want to live life as a digital nomad, but don't know how? Looking to start an online business so you can travel more? One-on-one coaching might me the missing link you've been needing! 

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the profitable Nomad Couple podcast. This is a show where we share all of our secrets about building a sustainable location independent lifestyle.

Speaker 2:

We're Austin and Monica. We're a digital Nomad couple here to help you develop an entrepreneurial mindset, ignite your passions and develop a purpose-driven online business.

Speaker 1:

Get ready for weekly insights and inspiring stories to empower you to live life on your own terms.

Speaker 2:

So are you ready to unlock the Nomad mindset and embrace a life of limitless possibilities? Let's dive in.

Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of the profitable Nomad Couple podcast. This week's topic is a lesson that Austin and I have been learning for years in our business, and we feel like it's about time that we vocalize what we've been learning and we talk about the difference between listening to a podcast, watching a YouTube video or investing in one-on-one coaching.

Speaker 2:

I especially think there's a lot of people who have a DIY approach, especially starting life as a digital Nomad, but even starting your own business. It's very appealing, I think, to want to bootstrap it, especially because you save a lot of money doing it that way. You learn a lot by doing it that way.

Speaker 1:

I think it's kind of romanticized as well, you know, like, oh, I built this from the ground up with my bare hands. There's something almost romantic about that ability and that feeling to build a business completely by yourself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's very true. We are going to flip that on its head, though, and we want to present to you a different option and explain to you why, for us and why for you, one-on-one coaching is such a big game changer. Monica and I have been working with a one-on-one coach for just a few months, and we honestly wish we had done it so so much sooner, because we've gained so much and learned so much. Our business is changing and growing so much quicker because of this one-on-one coach, so I want to walk you through this analogy.

Speaker 2:

Imagine that you are trying to take a cross-country road trip and you don't have a GPS. So this is like pretend you're back in the 90s, right? Everyone has a GPS on their phones now, so if you're going somewhere you've never been, you're going to have one. So just imagine that you don't have your phone. Imagine you don't have a GPS. One thing you could do is just follow the street signs and just hope that you're going to make it to your destination. Maybe stop and ask for directions when you need to, and maybe you'll get to where you want to go, and hopefully you're going to get there in a reasonable amount of time. Hopefully you're not on any sort of time crunch or time frame.

Speaker 2:

You could also use a paper map. I also don't know if they have those anymore. Actually they do. I've seen them. You could have a paper map, highlight the route you want to take and be on your way.

Speaker 2:

Imagine if you do research ahead of time and you've looked into the road that you need to take and you looked into the best route for your journey. What happens if you make a wrong turn. You can go down a wrong road and not know for a long time before you catch your mistake. What if the road that you needed to go down is under construction and you didn't know, and now either you're stuck in traffic or you have to take a huge detour? What if the paper map that you have is outdated and you didn't know, and now there's roads that you didn't know about, that are there and you could have taken, or roads that aren't there anymore that the map still says are there. So there's a lot of reasons that having a GPS on your road trip is just common sense. It's going to make you sure that you get to where you want to go and the time you want to get there, and it's just going to make the trip so much easier.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, I remember the first time my parents ever bought a GPS and it was this big, huge thing probably the size of my laptop, I kid you not and it had this huge, clunky base that you had to suction cup onto the dashboard. And then I had this huge video monitor and it would talk to you and it kind of made you feel like an idiot all the time. It's like wouldn't possible make a make a legal.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

It's just kind of a very condescending, but it was a total game changer for family road trips, because no more did we have those huge maps that like fold it out and took up half of your dashboard, you know.

Speaker 1:

And then you were trying to figure out which way's up, which way's down and which way are you facing now, and then someone's still driving, and then I will tell me which way to go, and the person with the map is like I don't even know where we are yet, and it's like this huge fight and the GPS took all of that away. It was so much simpler and so much less stress when it came to family road trips. And I just love this analogy, because we are so used to having a GPS in our pocket right now that we don't even remember what it was like to fumble around, and so we don't even think twice about having someone there to guide us and hold our hand while we are driving. But we, when it comes to our own business, we totally take the opposite approach. We're like no, I'm gonna figure it out, I'm gonna pull on my map and I'm gonna try to figure it out while I'm driving, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so taking a road trip with a GPS is like one-on-one online business coaching. So if you want to build a successful business and this is something that you've never done before you're starting down this amazing road trip that you've never experienced before. This is all brand new to you and, yes, you can do it on your own. Yes, you can try and make shift your own map to get there. Yes, you can try and ask for directions only when you need it. But why try and figure this out on your own if that's going to lead to wasted time taking wrong turns? You could be using outdated strategies that aren't going to work for you anymore. Maybe you're even using somebody else's map. There's so many people that we see who are teaching this is the best way to build a business, this is the best way to make 100k a year, and it's a road map that worked really, really well for them, but maybe it's not going to work well for you.

Speaker 1:

Here's the thing. It's how I really feel like there is value in bootstrapping your business. In certain aspects of your business, I really feel like there is value of searching for things on YouTube or joining groups or joining group coaching or taking a course and learning new skills. I know there is value in that in certain aspects of your business, but one-on-one coaching has absolutely changed our business in more ways than I can count. All of a sudden, there is a third-party person who can look into our business and see things that we don't see. All of a sudden, there is somebody who is holding us accountable, who is cheering us on, who is giving us guidance and directions and suggestions of things we have never thought about before.

Speaker 2:

And with one-on-one coaching you're still I mean, you're still doing everything in your business. It's not taking away that feeling of boots on the ground and getting your hands dirty and working. It just gives you an extra perspective. It gives you a mentor that you wouldn't have otherwise, who can see the larger picture. They see the whole road that you're trying to go down. So some benefits of one-on-one coaching, some of the value that you get from this, I mean one. You have a coach who sees the big picture. They can see what roadblocks are in the way. They can see what roads are under construction. They can see roads that are outdated. It helps keep you on track to where you're going.

Speaker 2:

It's so easy to go down a road you didn't mean to and just to get sidetracked, distracted, and a coach helps you stay focused on the most important things. They help you course correct when you need to. Maybe you started going down a road that you think is going to be really helpful for you and it's not, and the coach can see that for you. There's going to be days, you guys, when you have breakdowns, when it's just really, really hard and it all piles on top of you all at once. There's going to be days that you want to give up. I promise you, if you are building an online business, you are going to want to give up at times. You're going to be heading the wrong way at some times. In these moments, these extremely critical moments, having that person who has your back, who knows your plan, who knows your goals, who knows your situation, is, honestly, invaluable.

Speaker 1:

It's so priceless to have that person there with you versus taking the generalized approach or searching podcasts, youtube videos, asking questions in Facebook groups or even group coaching. To some extent, there's a totally different dynamic right. This kind of content is catering to a much broader audience and they're going to be offering generalized content that fits with most of their audience, instead of just you individually and, like Austin mentioned before, there is no one there telling you what to focus on, and so you will be very susceptible to shiny optic syndrome, and I am speaking from very firsthand experience.

Speaker 2:

For years we did this.

Speaker 1:

For years I would listen to a podcast of somebody who I knew was really successful in business and they were a business coach themselves and they would be talking about oh my gosh, you should be selling your resources on teachablecom.

Speaker 1:

And I'd be like, oh my gosh, austin, we need to make resources that we can sell because it's going to help our business grow in this way, in this way, in this way. But really that makes zero sense for our business. But I would get so caught up in it and maybe I would hear two or three different coaches talking about the same thing and we would just get swept up in that energy and that excitement and we'd be like, okay, like this is what we need to focus on, and then we'd pour all of our energy into it and then not make any money from it or not be successful. But we didn't actually have anyone telling us hey, look, this is not what you should be thinking about right now. Instead, what if you focus on this aspect of your business? This is what's actually making you money right now. This is what actually you can grow in scale. Oh my gosh, our business would have grown exponentially.

Speaker 2:

Even if they had said something like you know what this thing you want to try building an online course, that's really great. Let's work on that in a few months, or let's work on that in a year, once you have these things in place. If we had that person from the very start, literally, guys, I would have months and months and months of my life back because I wouldn't have spent time on things that led to nowhere.

Speaker 1:

Or, honestly, even if we had just had someone say you know what, after you build a course, your job is to market it. Here's how you could market your course. Never stop marketing your course. Because you guys, we spent months and months and months building out this course and then nobody bought it, not a single person. We had one person go through it for free who was checking links and stuff for us. Not a single person went through that course. Not a single person bought that course. We wasted a ton of time and a ton of money on different platforms and things like that to get this course up and running and nobody taught us what to do with the course after we had built it out.

Speaker 2:

And we didn't know why it wasn't selling. Because we took an online course to learn how to make a course and sell it and why you should do this, and it was a course made for thousands of people and thousands of people bought into this. I'm not saying the advice in there was bad. It was all very, very good advice, but it just wasn't the right time for us and our business and we didn't understand why the course wasn't selling. Because we did everything that the course told us to do. We found our niche and we outlined everything that they would need to know and we recorded in the right way and said the right things, but we didn't have someone telling us how to market it. We didn't have someone telling us to have an audience first to market it too.

Speaker 2:

I guess one big takeaway here is there's a time and a place, and I don't think there's anything wrong with consuming content like podcasts, youtube videos, joining Facebook groups. In fact, I highly encourage you to do that. That's a great way to learn some very incredible things. But if you want to fast track your way to success, to a business that you love, if you want to avoid lost years, if you want to avoid lost dollars. If you want to avoid some really frustrating times and moments, if you want to make sure that you are encouraged when you want to give up, a one-on-one coach is the way to go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean there are definitely. There's a ton of value to the fact that we have tons of access to unlimited resources through podcasts and YouTube and all of these amazing things that people are putting out for us to learn. So we have tons of access to it. There's tons of varied perspectives and insights that you can access to. It's super convenient, it's easy to access, it's free, it's available to you when you are just starting out and maybe don't have the funds to purchase a one-on-one coach. I mean, that is why Austin and I put out a ton of free content is because we want to make this available to as many people as possible. So there is a big, huge benefit to all of this free content. But there comes a point in your business where you are going to need some rocket fuel. You're going to need somebody with outside perspective, that guidance, someone there to sit with you through the highs and lows and walk you through all of it.

Speaker 2:

I know what you might be thinking right now and that is probably something along the lines of Austin I'm just getting started. I wish I could hire one-on-one coach. I want to hire a one-on-one coach, but I'm just getting started, so I don't have that money to put into the coach. I would love to, but I can't, and I feel that I felt that way before and I know that it's scary to invest when you feel like you don't have the money to invest. But I got to tell you that's the best time to invest. If you are going to wait until you have all the money that you would want to invest in someone, you've kind of missed the prime time to make that investment.

Speaker 2:

This is more than just a financial investment. You're investing in yourself. You're taking a chance on yourself by building this business and it's the best investment you're going to make. And it's going to be scary. There's going to be things that you are uncomfortable with. Nothing in life that's worth. It is going to be easy and nothing in life that's worth it is going to be not scary. These things challenge us and they require a lot of us, but they're so worth it.

Speaker 1:

I actually just this morning the morning that we're recording this I was listening to a podcast. The podcast host had something like yeah, I talked to a lot of business owners who were just starting and they're saying, yeah, I'm spending more money in my business that I'm making. And he was like, well, yeah, that's how you start a business that's going to grow quickly. So it's so painfully hard to watch money leaving your account and not coming back in. But at the end of the day, if these are things that are invested, like if you're investing in yourself, if you're investing in your business, if you are up, leveling your skills and getting better and smarter, then these are investments that are going to catch up to you. These are investments that are going to be worth it in the long run.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so investing in a coach it's going to feel scary, it's going to feel really risky, especially if you feel like you don't have the guarantee or the promise of the success that you want when you start. And you're investing in a coach you don't have that 100% guarantee, like, yeah, this is all going to pan out exactly the way I want. But the fact is, like we've said, investing in a coach is investing in yourself. It's investing in a better future for you, and the more that you put into the coaching experience, the more that you're going to get out of it. And the return on investment on hiring a one-on-one coach is so big and that's one big lesson that Monica and I have learned in the past three to four months is how much more you get than what you put in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if I could turn back the clock, if I could go back to little Monica, who just wanted to start an online business so she could travel the world, I would sit down and I would have a serious heart to heart and be like, look like, this is important, this is something I need to invest in. And I would have commenced her to invest in a coach such a long time ago and maybe would have avoided in fact, probably would have avoided investing in a lot of the group coaching that I invested, in, a lot of the courses that I invested in, instead gone straight to the one-on-one help the one-on-one support, because it makes that much of a difference.

Speaker 2:

So that's what we offer with our one-on-one coaching program. We give you accountability, we give you a strategy, we give you the mindset work that you need to overcome any obstacles that are coming in, that are going to come in your way. We give you what you need to become a passionate and a profitable business owner and whatever you want to do and whatever you love, to help you build the life of a very successful, happy digital nomad. We are going to be totally invested into you and to your business and we're going to be there to cheer you on every step of the way.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, that is my absolute favorite thing about being a coach is building that relationship with my clients and being their cheerleader and just championing their business and celebrating with them and being there through the highs and lows and writing that roller coaster with them and watching them come out the other side victors and succeeding and thriving and it is so, so rewarding. So if you are curious about what we do as coaches and how you can join us in our world and get more support from us, please reach out to us. We're on Instagram all the time at Austin and Monica, or you can find us on Facebook as well.

Speaker 2:

Thanks so much for joining us here on the profitable nomad couple podcast. We appreciate you listening to us today.

Speaker 1:

If you enjoyed this episode, share it on Instagram and be sure to tag us at Austin and Monica.

Speaker 2:

Together, we can inspire others to embrace a location, independent lifestyle and while you're there, we'd love to connect with you, so make sure you follow us for more tips and inspiration on living your dream location independent lifestyle.

Speaker 1:

Until next week. Remember that you have the power to shape your own path. So stay curious, stay adventures and stay connected.

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